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In Fourfouras is located the second seat of the Holy Metropolis of Lampi, Syvritos and Sfakion.

The Diocese consists of the former provinces of Agios Vassilios, Amari and the province of Sfakia. That is, it covers a part south of the Prefecture of Rethymno and a part south of the Prefecture of Chania.

During the Early Christian Period, two Dioceses are attested through documents, that of Syvritos with the ancient city of the same name, the present-day village of Thronos in Amari with reference to the "Synod of Syvritos" (document with rich historical references to church of Crete) and of Aradena in the province of Sfakion, which were damaged during the Arab occupation. During the Venetian occupation the diocese remained independent, with the exception of that of Ag. Vasilios which was attached to the diocese of Kalamionas. During the period of Ottoman rule and with the reconstitution of the Church of Crete, the Bishop of Lampi was founded, with its seat at the Byzantine Church of Panagia in Lampini, and then at the Monasteries of Preveli and Asomatos at Amari. The union of the dioceses took place in the 19th century and in 1962 the Ecumenical Patriarchate promoted it to the Diocese of Lampis Syvritos and Sfakion.

Its current Bishop is Ireneos and has 78 parishes, 5 monasteries and 86 clergy.


The Social Kitchen

This new social structure replaces the kitchen so far, which from 2002 until 2018 served the needs of daily feeding of needed in the area of ​​the Municipality of Amari.

The modern Social Kitchen, equipped with the most appropriate cooking and food preservation devices, fully complying with European guidelines for food safety and certified with HACCP quality certificate, is a donation in kind of the "Stavros Niarchos" Foundation.

From 2018, the operation of the kitchen in daily use will be the new base of "Syssitio of Needed", it will also occasionally serve the hosting needs of the Holy Metropolis of Lampi, Syvritos and Sfakion and finally will contribute to the educational function having the ability to host educational programs. , confectionery, food preservation, promotion of local products, continuation of local recipes, etc. for the inhabitants of the area.


The Diocese has a program of cultural and social activities with a music and dance workshop, speeches and visits to temples and monasteries.